On Wednesday, February 23rd, inside the Diplomatic Room of the Memoriale Cavour, Santena’s town Council bestowed on Marco Boglione honorary citizenship for his commitment as President of Fondazione Camillo Cavour. The founder and chairman of BasicNet succeeded former minister and Cavaliere del Lavoro Nerio Nesi in February 2020. The project started by his predecessor was completed with Boglione’s leadership and the Memorial dedicated to the Piedmontese statesman was inaugurated by the Italian Government on June 6th, 2021, the 160th anniversary of Cavour’s death, in the town where he lived and was buried. Among the other activities to promote the Camillo Cavour Foundation and Santena town, Marco Boglione managed to bring the 14th stage of the 105th Giro d’Italia, which will start from Santena next May 21st. Boglione is also President of the Santena Stage Committee.