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PRESS RELEASE / BasicNet's Board of Directors meeting
BasicNet 11/06/2021 17:04 

visualizzazioni  36


Turin, June 11, 2021 - The Board of Directors today approved the amendments to the related parties policy, implementing Consob motion No. 21624 of December 10, 2020, available from today on the company website and also called for July 29 the Shareholders’ Meeting in extraordinary session to submit to shareholders a proposal to amend the By-Laws, so as to introduce a multi-share voting right mechanism for shareholders, according to, and as permitted by, Article 127-quinquies of Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998.

The call notice and the Shareholders’ Meeting documentation, including the illustrative reports on the agenda, shall be made available at the registered office, on the authorised storage mechanism 1info ( and on the company website (, in compliance with the terms set forth by the applicable regulation.

The Chairman Marco Boglione, as is usual, updated the Board of Directors on the Group’s marketing activities. The main events include the conclusion of the long and close sponsorship and supply relationship of Kappa® with the company “Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli” at the end of the 2020-2021 season. The “Azzurri” have confirmed themselves as a leading Italian team and a constant fixture in the European competitions during the entire term of the cooperation, which began in 2015-16 season.

For the 2021-2022 season, Kappa® will kit out two newcomers to “Serie A”, Venezia Football Club and Empoli Football Club, having already accompanied the latter team in their triumphant “Serie B” championship season 2020-2021.

The presence of the Kappa® brand in the top European football competitions will be ensured in the 2021/22 season by AS Monaco, involved in the Champions League qualifiers, and by Real Betis Balompié, having secured a place in the Europa League group stage.

On June 3, BasicItalia S.p.A. exercised its right of first refusal for the renewal of the sponsorship and supply contract with the Italian Winter Sports Federation for four seasons, starting from the 2022-2023 season, with a right of first refusal to renew for additional 4 seasons.

idmedia: 160130

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