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Kappa #KeepPerforming continues with Shades of Banana 29/04/2022 

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Kappa® #KeepPerforming continues with Shades of Banana

From Friday, April 29th, Valentina Vernia (aka Shades of Banana – @shadesofbanana, 260K followers) is the protagonist of the third episode of the Kappa Italy digital campaign #KeepPerforming SS 2022. Already starring in the last season (Q3Q4 2021), Shades of Banana returns in this new edition with her energy. Influencer and dancer, Valentina Vernia claims to have found her place in dancing: a way to feel herself even when things are not going well. The message of the new Kappa® digital campaign is “Winning Starts Within”: a statement that tells of the passion and pride in overcoming the challenges of life. Click here for the video clip.

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Kappa #KeepPerforming continua con Shades of Banana
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